Wednesday, June 2, 2010

So I ripped out a filling two weeks ago and had to go to the dentist who promptly told me that I needed a crown. I'm not to familiar with crowns so I just thought it was some type of filling. NOPE they gave me two big shots in my gums waited til I was all lightheaded and out of it then drilled the shit out of my tooth, hitting nerve endings which were highly drugged but still working to the point of making me wince and sweat. After the drilling and digging around and putting in string and making casts, they gave me a temporary crown until some lab can make a permanent crown that I have to go back for in two weeks. I would have much preferred to just have some amalgam filling stuffed back in the hole and worried about it in a couple years. But alas I missed a day of work sitting on the couch watching planet earth and feeling awful. I just hope I dont have to deal with that when i go back for the permanent crown. Moral of the story... Dont eat taffy. And brush your teeth.

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