Saturday we got up got the fire going and cooked up some sausage and eggs for everyone. Then we jumped into the jeeps and headed off the mountain towards the beach. I have a big lifted 4x4 jeep Cherokee so I drove really fast through the windy turns and dirt roads, maybe a little too fast for my passengers in the back! We drooove forever to get to a beach that had apparently had a cool trail to a light house. We played some frisbee then started our trek to the light house. 2.5 hours later we still hadnt reached the light house but we had seen some old WWII sea walls, a few small caves, a bird stuck in some Oil that we tried to rescue but was a goner. When we turned around we decided to head to the railroad track up on the cliff and walk the tracks back to the parking lot. When we got back everyone was beat so we piled into the cars and made our way into town and had a greasy meal before heading to the camp site. When we got back we made smores and then one by one everyone headed for the tents.
Sunday we got up and had hot dogs and couscous for breakfast b/c thats all we had left! Then we tried to find a trail at the top of the mountain that was supposed to be really pretty but we never found it, instead we ran into NEVERLAND RANCH? Yep Michael Jacksons RANCH. We were driving along and we saw a whole bunch of cars and people, we thought it was a family reunion or maybe some type of memorial and as we got closer we realized it was NEVERLAND RANCH! So we pulled over and paid our respects. After that strange detour we said goodbye to our San Fran friends and the LA crew made for Red Rock. Red Rock is little secluded fresh water pool. It was fantastic, really deep in some parts with lots of rocks for sitting and enjoying the water, sun and beauty of the surroundings. When we turned all pruney we dried off in the sun and made our way to Cold Springs Tavern for an amazing pork sandwich and blues music. Cold Springs Tavern is a little bar in the middle of the woods, a big biker hang out! When we had our fill and the music went from live to a boombox we started back for LA. Typical California freeways were parking lots and it took us forever to get home!
All in all a fantastic trip with some great people, I cant wait for the next one.
Heres some photos from the trip taken by trevor lizzie and myself!

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