Today I was on a shoot with Heidi Klum and Tim Gunn. It was some promo shots for the up and coming season of Project Runway. It was a fantastic shoot and super intense it was flat out go all day! The location we were shooting at was beautiful but up on a steep hill all the crew had to haul all the gear up a super steep drive way b/c the equipment van wouldnt fit! That put us a couple hours behind but we got it done! Entertainment weekly did a little behind the scense video so when that crops up on the internet I'll post it here, I might have made it into the video! Heidi was really fun and full of energy and Tim was calm and collected, they were fantastic to work with. Art, the photographer I'm working for had another shoot and then a flight to catch after this shoot, he is a trooper, working really hard and getting great shots every time. If you havent seen his work you need to check it out HERE.
What a day, time for a beer, some food and a comfy couch!
A month in LA and you're already doing shoots with Heidi Klum?!?
YO my brother!!! I love Art's stuff. He really captures something of his subjects in each portrait. Each one is so different and beautiful!! So glad you're working with such a talented dude and getting to do all these awesome things!!
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