Cute little dog that hangs around the campus, I want to pet him but he is always covered in flies and flies.

This is pretty much what I eat for every meal, sometimes breakfast as well. I usually just skip breakfast and eat some fruit. On the plate is a lot of rice some Dal which is a non spicy curry that goes over rice then there is a really spicy curry to the left with bits of lamb. Then there are some kind of chicken wings and flat bread and a pompadom which is like a big chip. In the picture is a fork which I carry around with me for eating b/c Indians dont use silverware they just use their hand!

Here is a map of INDIA and I've marked some important places. Enlarge it and you can see it better, in the middle is Nagpur where I've been staying mostly. To the West is Mumbai or Bombay, big city that I flew into. South of nagpur is warangel where I traveled with Sam Abraham. The Red route is the journey I'm going on starting Monday. Up in the North is Dehli which is the Capital, and above that in the state I circled is the MercyHome/Orphanage that Asbury UMC in Madison Sponsors. NEAAAATO

And here is a picture of the huge beehive.
Here is a picture of me wondering around the countryside, it's really hot over here.

Today has been a super-boring day; I was stuck at the campus with nothing to do. I’ve taken all the pictures I need to take around here except for staff families but I’m going to take those tomorrow b/c it’s Saturday and all the kids will be around. So today I tried to get into town and I didn’t get into town until nearly 4. That doesn’t seem that late but remember that I get up at 630-7 every day so yeah it’s kinda late. You know what I miss a lot is music, they dont have music here, it's so quite all the time well apart from the constant construction. Whenever I'm in my room I blast music! And I really want to watch a movie or just watch the news but seen one tv the entire time I've been here and the news is in Hindi. Oh Well time to ride around town on a sweet motorcycle!
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