I'M totally ready to go camping and backpacking!
I have an Osprey Atmos 50 backpack that is really lightweight and well ventilated

I needed a new stove so I got the MSR pocket Rocket and I got the MSR Titan Titanium Kettle to go with it. If you dont use the Red carrying case then the stove and a fuel canister will fit nice and snug inside the kettle/mug. Perfect little package, and super light.

I got a Silk sleeping bag for super hot california summer nights but I'll need to get a 3 season sleeping bag sometime. For right now the superlight silk bag is all good.
I also got a ultralight packing towel that folds up to the size of a babies fist. It works just like a car shamy but way better and way lighter!
For the Rainy days I also got myself a new gore-tex jacket by Arc'teryx

and finally I needed a new tent or shelter. I have a great 3 person tent thats fast to set up and works great rain or shine, but its pretty heavy so its been relegated to out of car camping trips. I really didnt want to drag that tent on a 4 or 5 day hike. So after a lot of research and pondering I finally thought I'd try out a hammock. Lots of the Ultra light weight backpacking people love the hammocks. They are super light and a snap to set up. The one draw back is the you have to have trees to set it up but that shouldnt be an issue. Some people warn that you lose a lot of heat from underneath you but thats not going to be a problem in Southern California. I went with a great company based out of British Columbia called HENNESSY HAMMOCK. I'm really excited about trying it out this weekend. I have two different size rain flies so I'll have to experiment to see which one works the best.

Now I've got to find some awesome weekend hikes to do!